
Tali. Meaning seeping water, bloom. Our hope is that she will flourish in our pack and will share a wonderful long life with her father and the rest of the family. Also a reference to Fairytale (tali), (de Conte de Fée).


Pedigree name
Wizard's Fairytale Girl Tali
Wizard Razou de Conte de Fée
Tutti Frutti de la Belgerie
Birth date
Health results
HD A, norberg value 28, bone deviation 0
ED free
Embark DNA tested: SDCA1 free, SDCA2 free, MPS VII free, cardiomyopathie (YArS2) free

 Diplomas and titles

puppy-certificate, EG, VEG

Working test:
NHAT (Natural Herding Aptitude Test) passed

Scent imprint (SIFD):
level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4

Scent detection (Dutch Detection Association):
Smell test passed, level 1

 Show results

BHCN junior dogs show sept. 2023:
baby-class 2VP
NVBH Happening october 2023: baby-class 1VP, BOB baby, BIS baby
Gorinchem, int. Christmas show dec 2023: puppy-class 1VP, BOS puppy
Hazerswoude, int show Rijnland, april 2024: youth class 1Exc, Youth FCI-CACIB, Rijnland Junior Star 2024, RCAC
Goes, Outdoor Zeeland, may 2024: youth class bitches 1VG
Gorinchem, int. Pinkstershow may 2024: youth class 1Exc, Youth FCI-CACIB, RCAC
Belg. Shepherd special BHCN may 2024: youth class 3Exc
Belg. Shepherd special NVBH may 2024: youth class 4Exc
Geldrop, Dogshow Eindhoven june 2024: youth class 1Exc, Youth FCI-CACIB, CAC, BOS

Dutch Youth Champion

Kaatsheuvel, Brabants Dogfestival july 2024: youth class 1Exc, Youth FCI-CACIB, RCAC, Best Youth dog
Gorinchem, int. Christmas show dec 2024: intermediair-class 1Exc, CAC, CACIB, BOS