Our crazy mouse, runs, jumps, was only quiet when she was sleeping.
Always on the move. Mother of the J-litter, K-litter and O-litter.
Pedigree name
Ginger Cartouche de Conte de Fée
Doerak Nady de Conte de Fée
Cartouche Ayscha de Conte de Fée
Birth date
Date of death
Health results
HD neg, norberg value 30,
no bone deviations
no bone deviations
Diplomas and titles
Obedience:EG - VEG - GG1(club) - FCI GG1
Show results
At several international shows, qualified as excellentMillenium Bundessiegershow 2000 Dortmund:
best bitch, CAC/CACIB and became VDH Bundessieger 2000
- 14 years
- 12 years
- almost 12 years
- 10 years
- 8 years
- 6 years
- 2 years
- 5 months