Our cheerfull dog, big friends with Ginger. Spoiled by all the ladies.
Hunter got his name while at the time he was 7 weeks old, he loved to run after everything and put his little teeth in your trousers.
Luckely the name doesn't honour him anymore, he still likes to use his mouth by taking all the things he can carry, so he empties the dishwasher, brings in the grocery's, puts the shoes on the wrong place and so he plays around all day.
Pedigree name
Hunter Ayscha de Conte de Fée
Arrash of Sundown Dancers
Ayscha Nady de Conte de Fée
Birth date
Date of death
Health results
HD Tc, norberg value 40,
no bone deviations
no bone deviations
Diplomas and titles
Obedience:EG - VEG - GG1(club) - FCI GG1 -
GG2(club) - FCI GG2 - GG3(club)
Agility: EB - VEB
Hunter passed the charactertest in 2001
Show results
At several international shows, qualified as excellentCAC/CACIB BOB Arnhem 2002
RCAC Limburgia 2003
- 13 1/2 years, enjoys the snow and sun
- 11 years
- 11 years
- 9 years
- 5 years
- 5 years
- 4 years
- 3 years
- vacation in Austria